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Alaska Domestic Nonprofit: Entity#: 10231708 and EIN: 93-1579548

Make Your Tax Deductible Gift Today!

Thanks to our valued partnership with the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) your gift can be tax deductible. For tax deductible donations, mail your check made out to UCCA to:
Assist Ukraine
PO box 1740

Carbondale, CO, 81623
Please be sure to include: “Assist Ukraine” on the memo line of your check.
UCCA is a 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit organization Tax ID (EIN) 13-621986

Donations may also be made electronically by clicking the “donate” button above. Please note that your PayPal donations will be processed by Assist Ukraine, an Alaska nonprofit corporation. Assist Ukraine is in the process of applying for its 501(c)(3) status. 
As we wait for our own 501(c)(3) to be finalized, please know that gifts made electronically via Paypal or Venmo may be tax deductible.

Rest assured that 100% of your donation goes to obtaining supplies and providing critical resources needed to save lives!
To ensure that every cent of every donation is used to purchase needed supplies and provide critical resources, the Assist Ukraine founders are personally covering all transportation, resourcing, logistics, and communication costs.

If you would like to use Venmo
our username is: @AssistUkraine
the last 4-digits of the phone number associated with this account is

If you prefer to send us a check,
please mail it to:
PO Box 1740
Carbondale, CO 81623

Once we get your donation you’ll get a personal response from us acknowledging your gift.
It’s a little crazy as you can imagine so please be patient. This is a truly grassroots effort, made possible because of our years in the field and the remarkable contacts we have made. None of this would be happening without the participation of our
trustworthy and effective couriers.